Payday loan has always been a subject matter of debate for years now. Many argue on the grounds that these loans do no good but only worsen the financial situation of an individual. It is therefore more important to have an in-depth understanding of what these loans are and why they are offered friends loan.
In recent times, more and more people have turned to payday loans to get over their short term money problems. These loans are often referred to as short term cash loans, instant loans, no-fax payday loans and so on. While acquiring a payday loan is simple, fast and smooth many consumers still have second thoughts about how appropriate it is.
Understanding a payday loan is not as difficult as one would imagine; it is quite simple. After you have chosen your online payday loan lender you will need to key in some of the basic information that is required to process your loan amount. Information that you will have to provide will include details such as your age (which should be above eighteen years), employment details, your monthly salary and valid debit card details along with bank account number (which can receive direct deposits). Once the loan you have applied for is approved, it is directly credited into your bank account, mostly on the same-day. The overall application and approval process is kept simple and easy.
In spite of the enormous benefits that a payday loan offers to its consumers, they are often blamed for their cost. One of the common reasons that set the tone for criticism is the high interest rate that these loans charge. As mentioned earlier, the rates are pretty high and can actually range from 10% to 25%. For instance, if a person borrows £200 he will pay back £250 if the loan’s interest rate is calculated at 25%. Since these loans are provided on a short term basis they are also structured to be repaid quickly.
One major reason for the payday loan lenders to charge high interest rates from their consumers is that they do not run any credit score checks and also lend money, even to people who have poor credit histories. It is thus natural that the risk faced by an online payday loan lender is very high and the chances of not getting back the money lent are quite high as well. In such cases the loss that is forced by the lender is drastically high and therefore the lender is positioned to withstand unexpected losses. In most of the cases non repayment rates are high and individuals who deliberately default payment are also equally high in number. Very few borrowers payback on time and a few take chances to roll over.
Payday loan provides immediate cash assistance during desperate times. It is typically designed for those who are looking out for immediate emergency cash loans and are willing to repay the same within a much shorter period. The reason to apply for and get a payday loan could be anything. It could be a car breakdown, unexpected medical bills to pay or any kind of unanticipated expenditure that crop up in the monthly budget. Well, if you have decided to avail of them, plan in advance to make sure you repay the same within the specified time period. If you fail to repay on the agreed dates you could end up being penalized for non payments.
Many complain about these loans because somewhere in the past they might have failed to repay it on time or could have possibly rolled over a couple of times that they would have ended up repaying more than the initially borrowed amount. No doubt a payday loan is quite expensive to go for but they can be used for the right kind of urgent needs. Failing to repay on time might only end in you falling prey to vicious debt cycles. Remember to use these loans only when emergency strikes and do not fail to repay them on time.